Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis quiz



Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

30 questions in 30 minutes

Answers at the end of the exam

Pass Score 70%

The questions change when you repeat the exam

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1 / 30

Which of the following is an analyst least likely to rely on as objective information to include in a company analysis ?

2 / 30

The role of financial statement analysis is best described as :

3 / 30

An independent audit report is most likely to provide :

4 / 30

A firm’s financial position at a specific point in time is reported in the :

5 / 30

In addition to the audited financial statements included in a firm's annual report, which of the following sources of information is most  likely to contain audited data ?

6 / 30

Which of the following is an independent auditor least likely to do with respect to a company's financial statements?

7 / 30

Which of the following would NOT require an explanatory paragraph added to the auditors' report?

8 / 30

Which of the following statements concerning the notes to the audited financial statements of a company is least accurate ? Financial  statement notes :

9 / 30

The income statement is best used to evaluate a company’s :

10 / 30

Interim financial reports released by a company are most likely to be :

11 / 30

Information about management and director compensation are least likely to be found in the :

12 / 30

For publicly traded firms in the United States, the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) portion of the financial disclosure is least likely required to discuss :

13 / 30

Which of the following statements regarding footnotes to the financial statements is least accurate? Financial statement footnotes:

14 / 30

Which of the following statements about financial statement analysis and reporting is least accurate ? 

15 / 30

What type of audit opinion is preferred when analyzing financial statements ?

16 / 30

The financial statement that presents a shareholder’s residual claim on assets is the :

17 / 30

The standard auditor's report is most likely required to :

18 / 30

The role of financial statement analysis is most accurately described as :

19 / 30

Providing information about the performance of a company, its financial position, and changes in financial position that is useful to a wide range of users is most accurately described as the role of :

20 / 30

Which of the following is the best description of the financial statement analysis framework?

21 / 30

Interim reports most likely :

22 / 30

Which of the following is least likely to be considered a role of financial statement analysis ?

23 / 30

Which of the following most likely results in an increase of owners’ equity ?

24 / 30

A company's operating revenues for a reporting period are most likely to be shown on its :

25 / 30

A company’s profitability for a period would best be evaluated using the :

26 / 30

Notes to financial statements most likely include :


27 / 30

Which phase in the financial statement analysis framework is most likely to involve producing updated reports and recommendations?

28 / 30

Updated information on a company’s performance and financial position since the last annual report is most likely found in :

29 / 30

For a company issuing securities in the United States to meet its obligations under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, which of the following is management required to attest to ?

30 / 30

Information about accounting estimates, assumptions, and methods chosen for reporting is most likely found in :

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