Liquidity Ratios Level 1 Quiz Financial Analysis Quiz Last updated Aug 7, 2024 Share /30 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Liquidity Ratios Level 1 30 questions in 15 minutes Pass Score 70% 1 / 30 The higher the cash ratio, the less liquid the company is. True False A higher cash ratio indicates greater liquidity 2 / 30 The quick ratio is more conservative than the current ratio. False True The quick ratio excludes inventory, making it a more conservative measure of liquidity 3 / 30 The current ratio includes both current assets and current liabilities in its calculation. False True The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities 4 / 30 Liquidity ratios measure a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations. False True Liquidity ratios indicate how quickly a company can generate cash to pay its bills 5 / 30 Working capital is not related to liquidity ratios. True False Working capital, the difference between current assets and current liabilities, is closely related to liquidity 6 / 30 The cash ratio includes inventory and receivables. False True The cash ratio includes only cash and cash equivalents 7 / 30 A current ratio of 2:1 is generally considered healthy. False True A current ratio of 2:1 indicates that the company has twice as many current assets as current liabilities, which is generally considered a good liquidity position 8 / 30 The acid-test ratio is another name for the quick ratio. False True The acid-test ratio is also known as the quick ratio 9 / 30 A company with a low quick ratio is always in financial distress. True False While a low quick ratio can indicate potential liquidity issues, it doesn't necessarily mean the company is in financial distress 10 / 30 Inventory turnover ratio is a type of liquidity ratio. False True The inventory turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio, not a liquidity ratio 11 / 30 A higher current ratio always indicates better liquidity. True False Generally, a higher current ratio suggests that a company is more capable of paying its short-term liabilities 12 / 30 Liquidity ratios can help predict a company's bankruptcy risk. True False Liquidity ratios are useful indicators of a company's ability to meet short-term obligations and can signal financial distress 13 / 30 The quick ratio excludes inventory from current assets. True False The quick ratio measures a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations without relying on the sale of inventory 14 / 30 Liquidity ratios are primarily used by creditors and investors. True False These ratios are crucial for creditors and investors to assess a company's financial health and risk level 15 / 30 Liquidity ratios are not useful for long-term financial planning. False True While primarily for short-term analysis, liquidity ratios can also inform long-term financial strategies 16 / 30 High liquidity ratios are always favorable. False True Extremely high liquidity ratios may indicate underutilized assets 17 / 30 Liquidity ratios can be manipulated by window dressing. False True Companies can temporarily alter financial statements to improve liquidity ratios 18 / 30 An increasing current ratio always signals improving liquidity. False True An increasing current ratio can indicate improved liquidity but may also result from excessive inventory or other less liquid assets 19 / 30 The quick ratio includes accounts receivable in its calculation. False True The quick ratio includes cash, accounts receivable, and marketable securities 20 / 30 The current ratio is also known as the working capital ratio. False True The current ratio is sometimes referred to as the working capital ratio 21 / 30 Liquidity ratios are only important for large companies. True False Liquidity ratios are crucial for companies of all sizes to assess their ability to meet short-term obligations 22 / 30 A company with a current ratio less than 1 is unable to pay its short-term liabilities. False True While a current ratio less than 1 indicates potential liquidity issues, it does not definitively mean the company cannot pay its short-term liabilities 23 / 30 A company with a high cash ratio has a high liquidity risk. False True A high cash ratio indicates low liquidity risk 24 / 30 The higher the inventory levels, the higher the quick ratio. True False The quick ratio excludes inventory from its calculation 25 / 30 The receivables turnover ratio is a liquidity ratio. True False The receivables turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio 26 / 30 The cash ratio is the most conservative measure of liquidity. True False The cash ratio only considers cash and cash equivalents, making it a stringent measure of liquidity 27 / 30 The cash conversion cycle is directly related to liquidity. False True The cash conversion cycle measures how quickly a company can convert its resources into cash, impacting liquidity 28 / 30 The quick ratio is typically lower than the current ratio. False True The quick ratio excludes inventory, usually making it lower than the current ratio 29 / 30 Liquidity ratios are irrelevant to a company with strong long-term prospects. False True Even companies with strong long-term prospects need good liquidity to meet short-term obligations 30 / 30 Liquidity ratios are important during economic downturns. False True During economic downturns, liquidity ratios help assess a company's ability to meet obligations despite Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Send feedback examples of liquidity ratiosliquidity ratiosliquidity ratios are particularly important to -term creditors.